Our services

You can find many interesting projects in our portfolio including company logos or interactive educational applications. Core of our services is creation of websites – for small business as well as big companies. Don’t hesitate to contact us with your project.

Interaktivní projekty


Web presentation, content management system (CMS), interactive portfolio, internet catalogue, e-shop, microsite, game, interactive presentation on CD, even flash banner – we have lots of experience with all of these applications and we can create any of them to your satisfaction.


Logo and visual style

Logo and visual style

We can create for you a logo as a brand for your company, product or event. Usually the logo is followed by company printouts (business cards, business letters, envelopes…), company presentations, navigational systems.

Graphic design

Graphic design

Leaflet, poster, brochure, billboard, catalogue, invitation, annual report, advertisement… These and many more we can design for you, prepare for print, provide print and distribution.

Animations and video

Animations and video

In many cases it is useful to attract a client’s attention by using an animated presentation. This can be a simple slideshow of pictures or a whole animated illustrated story. The project also can be enhanced by sounds, specially composed music or dubbing.

About our studio

DuCLAIR is a company which was established in 2005 as a team of specialists for graphic design,webdesign, flash applications, 3D visualizations, visual identity, marketing and copywriting. Our aim has always been to provide professional services for printed and interactive presentations and corporate identity.


web design


web development


graphic design



The origin of our company name is a French word CLAIR which literally means clean, luminous, clear,immediate. And that is how we do our work. Graphically clean, elegant, without any distracting elements. Our style should immediately attract and bring focus to the information which is important for the client and also give visual pleasure from a clean and harmonious environment.

Our satisfied clients:

ICON hotel logo          client-euroclinicum          client-hannspree     client-heights     client-krasa          client-platinum

Our team

You can find these people behind our work:

Václav Batěk

Project manager

Honza Sládek

Consultant, programmer


Designer, programmer

Libor Kokšal

Key account manager

Clients about us:

Chtěla bych Vám poděkovat za vstřícnost a profesionální přístup. Na naše nové webové stránky jsem slyšela jen chválu, která patří hlavně Vám. Rádi se na vás v budoucnu obrátíme i s dalšími projekty.

Jana Šormová

Krása pomoci, o.p.s.

Studiu DuCLAIR jsme zadali různé typy prací od tvorby log našich produktů přes vytvoření výzdoby našich kanceláří po interaktivní bannery a vždy jsem byla velmi spokojená s průběhem i výsledkem zakázky.

Jana Mihovičová

Euroclinicum, a.s.

Highly professional service and outstanding attention to detail. From the programming to the design DuCLAIR custom designed everything to suit our Pan European business. Simply perfect!

Vinny Ferrer

Hannspree Europe